So as I was working, thought I needed a heart here or there- so cut a simple stencil.
I sprayed it with magenta and purple, then immediately scratched back into it to get the heart below.
Then i looked at the stencil itself and thought- I like the stencil image as much or more than the heart itself! so I hurried and placed a piece of tag board on it to take a monoprint, or a one time print.
Inspired/rewarded by this, I hurried up and slapped a piece of tag on the heart I just stenciled in my journal, and got this lovely slightly lighter ghost print!
Although not much was needed to finish this one, I screened on love, and spray painted a background to set it off.
The two below were also done using the same concept- but a bit more layering! The monoprint almost acted like a cropping tool in itself.

The following ones involved a bit more cropping and removing, keeping the lovely parts of the compositions, and cutting out the more boring or blotted parts! Of course- the shape I removed was a heart! I layered it on top of a peach piece of unryu, or a type of very thin rice paper. Although I liked the combo- I thought it needed more, so filled an ink marker with one of the colors that were sprayed in the center square and wrote "happy valentines day" around the edge, and highlighted some of the edges with some dots.
I have lots of friends who share my passion for music, so this was made for them. The library was giving away books so old the paper was brittle- but worked for my needs! Did some pouring and spraying, cutting/gluing, and have a music themed valentine!
I invited a friend to play in the studio with me, and she wanted a paw print (we are both dog people!) so we cut this stencil to use. This one is going to puppy Izzy, a friends long awaited new addition to the family!
I know, valentine crazy !
Well- I hope you all enjoy an artful happy valentine day!
Love the paw print!