My Christmas present to me this year was being able to spend 5 days with the best nieces in the world! When they visit we usually have some sort of art project we tackle together. Since it was the holiday season, I thought some gingerbread houses were in order. I made lots of these when I was growing up after taking a cake decorating class, and enjoyed doing them- but thought I'd pass on the actual baking of the gingerbread. After all- the most fun part is the decorating! So we opted for the graham cracker options. Amy and I wanted to build a cardboard base first,
and Natalie decided to jump in when she saw what we were making...
We used boxes that gifts had been shipped in-recycleing!

Festive headwear was optional, but encouraged:) Christmas carols were mandatory.

The older girls- Emily and Meagan- opted to watch Christmas movies until we got to frosting and decorating parts- using graham crackers for their building base.
Then the fun part- decorating! The table looked like a sugar explosion!
It was fun to see how each girl tackled the task.
Amy totally surprised me by frosting millions of little pretzels to her "log cabin"!
...showing off her fire pit...
Meagan jumped in and got a house up faster than any of us! and was able to add a porch roof with icicles fully supported by candy canes!
And Emily of course took an on unconventional structure- a base for a large (sugar cone) telescope! love it!!
...and finally mine. Saw the shredded wheat or used on pintrest, and had to try it! I also used mini oreos for shingles and decorative additions to the house! This will be heading to an after school program to be eaten and disabled by local kids after the new year!